Tuesday, 28 December 2010


The game's development I was working on has just been finished. I solved the last bugs I found while I was testing the game . The game is pretty cool I am now waiting for Itunes connect to get on work again. They are in christmas holiday.

While I developed the game I learnt many things and am now ready to develop some other games.

If I talk about game, I can say the process was really good. I spend almost one month to learn how to code by using objective-c, how to use a mac-os system and some tools that helped me to create the game.

I wanna put some screen shots of the game here and try to get your comments.

This is the main screen of the game:

 Here is the stage selection scene:

Here is the scene when you pass a level. stars you collected will be shown in here:

Here is a screen shot from the game. the purpose is to get the eucalyptus ball into the bucket that Hungry Koala holds for you:

This is the level selection menu scene:

After I provide you the screen shots I can tell you the details of the game. basicy it is a physics-based Puzzle game and there is a bucket that koala holds. All you need to do is to get the eucalyptus ball into that bucket to feed this Hunrgy Koala and collect the stars. make your own solutions and collect as many as stars while you finishing the game. 

It is an enjoyable game. I really tried to make the levels to let you play well and try to solve something. the game development is already finished I am waiting for the Itunes connect as I told. As soon as possible I get my contracts from Itunes I will publish the game and there will be updated versions about the game.

In the next topic of my blog I will present you a video about the game and try to explain some problems I encounter while I was working on game. Probably I will also give some advices where to start for I phone game development.

Keep following...

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